Ranking Profile - Pulmonx Corp


Pulmonx Corp (Pulmonx) manufactures and markets minimally invasive medical devices and technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary disorders. The company provides Chartis System which is a proprietary pulmonary assessment tool that allows physicians to identify patients with low or no collateral ventilation; and Zephyr device which is a one-way valve that helps to reduce hyperinflation of the lungs caused by emphysema and improves lung function. Its StratX a lung analysis platform helps in identifying responders and non-responders to Zephyr valve therapy. Pulmonx uses a combination of assessment tools and therapeutics which enables physicians to successfully predict outcomes and provide optimal treatment for each individual patient. The company markets its products in Europe, Australia, Asia, Latin America and others. Pulmonx is headquartered in Redwood, California, the US.

Company info

Country (HQ): United States
Sector: Medical Equipment
Market Cap (US$ m): 472
Revenue (US$ m): 54 (2022)

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