Ranking Profile - Neusoft Corp


Neusoft Corp (Neusoft) provides industry solutions and product engineering solutions related software products and platforms. The company offers application development and maintenance, enterprise applications, enterprise intelligent products, healthcare products, platform products, performance engineering, software localization and globalization, IT infrastructures, BPO, and IT education and training services. It also offers product engineering service, software engineering service, performance engineering service, professional testing services, industrial service, and cloud. It offers services under TalentBase HCM, UniOffice, Electronic Archive System (SEAS), NetEye, NetPatrol, One Core, OpenBASE, Super UniEAP, Aclome, NEUPACS, Telemedicine and Xikang brand names. It serves telecom, energy, financial services and insurance, government, manufacturing, science and technology, finance, healthcare, education, intellectual property, media and transportation sectors. The company has business presence in the US, Japan, Europe, the Middle East, and South America. Neusoft is headquartered in Shenyang, Liaoning, China.

Company info

Country (HQ): China
Sector: Technology and Communications
Market Cap (US$ m): 1,920
Revenue (US$ m): 1,407 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

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