Ranking Profile - Megaport Limited


Megaport Ltd (Megaport) operates as a software company. The company provides software-defined networking (SDN) based Ethernet fabric that enables real-time provisioning across one platform. It offers Megaport, a high-speed Ethernet interface that connects to data center location and MegaIX, which owns and operates neutral Internet exchange and provides connectivity to content and services. Megaport also offers VXC (Virtual Cross Connect), a direct ethernet connection between two megaports that allows high speed private connectivity. It also offers Megaport Marketplace, online hub of global service providers and enterprise customers interconnect. The company operates in Australia, the US, Germany, the UK and Ireland. Megaport is headquartered in Fortitude Valley, Queensland, Australia.

Company info

Country (HQ): Australia
Sector: Technology and Communications
Market Cap (US$ m): 597
Revenue (US$ m): 76 (2022)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Technology and Communications sector

Innovation Ranking


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