Ranking Profile - Mitsui Chemicals Inc


Mitsui Chemicals Inc (Mitsui Chemicals) is a chemical company that offers basic chemicals, petrochemicals, functional polymeric materials, polyurethane, fabricated products and functional chemicals. Its products find applications in mobility, health care, food and packaging, and basic material business sectors. The company also provides high value-added products such as housing materials, electronic materials, and civil engineering and building materials to a wide range of industries. The company’s domestic manufacturing sites include Ichihara Works, Nagoya Works, Osaka Works, Mobara, Iwakuni-Ohtake Works, and Omuta Works. It has presence in various countries, including Taiwan, Singapore, Germany, Thailand, India, Malaysia, South Korea, the US, and Mexico. Mitsui Chemicals is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

Company info

Country (HQ): Japan
Sector: Chemicals
Market Cap (US$ m): 5,169
Revenue (US$ m): 13,885 (2023)

Innovation ranking


Innovation score

Closest peers in the Chemicals sector

Innovation Ranking


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South Korea


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United States


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