Ranking Profile - Proximus plc


Proximus plc (Proximus) is a telecommunication company that provides internet, telephony, and data transmission services. The company markets telecom activities in Luxembourg under Tango brand. Proximus also caters ICT services to corporate and institutional customers in the Netherlands and Luxembourg through its Telindus Netherlands and Telindus Luxembourg brands. Through BICS brand, the company offers international wholesale solutions for voice and mobile data service providers around the world. It also provides Proximus TV consisting of sports, kids, adults, and TV series channels along with its Proximus TV app on all Belgium networks and in the EU. The company also provides internet, fixed line phone and television equipment’s such as modems, decoders, wireless adapters, Wi-Fi extenders, telephone sets and other for rental and sale. It caters to residential, enterprise and public markets in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries. Proximus is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.

Company info

Country (HQ): Belgium
Sector: Technology and Communications
Market Cap (US$ m): 2,648
Revenue (US$ m): 6,155 (2022)

Innovation ranking


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Closest peers in the Technology and Communications sector

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